HC Groep | Over Ons

About HC Groep

A healthy and comfortable indoor climate has a positive influence on people; as a market leader in the area of indoor climate technology, HC Groep plays an important role. Our experience enables us to realize and maintain a healthy indoor climate for every situation. By cleverly combining our products, systems and services with the latest (building) technologies, we create a living and working environment in which we put people’s well-being first.

Our companies

Spread over 8 locations in the Netherlands and 1 location abroad, more than 400 employees are involved daily in the development of specific topics in the field of indoor climate.

About HC Groep

Market segments

Our fields of experience

hcgroep overons totaaloplossingen
About HC Groep

Our specialists

The HC Groep's companies

About HC Groep

About sustainability

Cooperations, certifications and social engagement

About HC Groep

The user is key

Putting people first

HC Groep | Indoor Climate Technology



Contact HC Groep

If you have any questions regarding our solutions and products, please do not hesitate to contact us.

HC Groep | Call to Action